December 20, 2009
Internship Program
December 14, 2009
Fellowship Program
The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
(ISEAS) in Singapore , which pursues research on historical interactions
among Asian societies and civilizations, is accepting applications from
scholars who wish to undertake research and writing in the area of
intra-Asian historical interactions during 2010. The areas of particular
interest to the Centre are detailed on the NSC website:
Preference will be given to scholars who have com pleted their Ph.D. degree
within the last ten years. The fellowship will be for a period of up to six months and can be com menced any time between April and December 2010.
While in residence in Singapore , the fellow is expected to com plete a paper
on the proposed topic, organize or contribute to a workshop, and give a
public lecture at ISEAS. The fellowships include a monthly (all-inclusive)
stipend of SGD $6,000, and a one-off payment of SGD $1500 to cover research
costs. In addition, a round-trip economy airfare between the home country of
the researcher and Singapore will be provided.
Applicants should include with their applications a cover letter, a full CV,
two letters of reference, and a research proposal of approximately five
pages (double spaced). The proposal should discuss the issue to be
examined, a review of the relevant literature, plans for any fieldwork, and
project time frame. The preferred period for the fellowship should also be
The deadline for applications is 15 February, 2010 and should be directed
to the following address:
Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre,
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119614
Electronic applications can be submitted to:
Enquiries on the program should be directed to Geoff Wade,
December 10, 2009
Scholarships graduate program at Korea University
December 4, 2009
Scholarship Graduate Program in Geospatial Technologies
The University of Münster, Germany , University Jaume I, Spain , and New University of Lisbon, Portugal, provide a new Masters Program in Geospatial Technologies. The English-taught Masters program has been approved in the educational program of excellence of the European Union ERASMUS MUNDUS. The program targets international applicants and will provide
- 10 full scholarships for non-EU students (26.000 € + tuition fees + insurance package)
- 2 full scholarships for students from Western Balkans and Turkey (26.000 € + tuition fees + insurance package)
- 8 financial contributions to EU students + EEA-EFTA countries and Switzerland (9.000 € + tuition fees + insurance package)
- 4 grants for non-EU visiting researchers/ scholars (14.800 € for four months of teaching and research)
We kindly ask you to distribute this information and the attached flyer to all potentially interested
- Students - the Masters program addresses holders of Bachelor degrees in APPLICATION AREAS of Geographic Information, such as Geography, Environmental Planning, Regional Planning, Transportation/ Logistics, Agriculture, Forestry, Retailing/Marketing , etc., and/or
- Researchers (visiting scholars) with high-level academic achievements in the field of Geographic Information.
For further information, please see http://geotech. uni-muenster. de/. Thank you very much for your support by disseminating this information.
Kind regards
Christoph Brox
Dr. Christoph Brox
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi)
University of Muenster
Weseler Strasse 253
D-48151 Münster
Phone: +49 (0)251 8334721
Fax: +49 (0)251 8339763
http://ifgi. uni-muenster. de/
December 1, 2009
Scholarship Graduate Program in Materials Science
Master in Materials Science Exploiting Large Scale Facilities.
Mamaself is a 2 year full time Master aiming to promote the scientific collaboration between Universities, Large scale facilities and Industry.
This Master is the result of the collaboration between four Universities: University Rennes 1, ( France ), University of Torino , ( Italy ), Technical University and the Ludwig Maximilians University München ( Germany ). The Master degree will be delivered by two or three out of the four universities, so the students will receive a double Master degree in Materials Science.
Each student will spend one year in a first hosting institution, the first semester of the second Master year at a second university and the last semester at a university or Large scale Faclities or at a partner institution in Japan , Switzerland or India .
Grants for Non-European students
For each academic year the consortium of universities selects non-European students who will receive a grant. Each non-European student will receive a grant of 22.000 euros per year. Deadline is for 2010-2012 : 19 .01.2010. Non EU students who spent a year in Europe before applying must applicate before 21 May 2010.
Grants for European students
In the framework of the Erasmus Mundus 2 programme, European students can apply for an EM fellowship of 12.000€. This grant amount includes the mobility grant for a period at one of the non EU partner institutions in Japan , Switzerland or India during the second semester of the second Master year. The application deadline is : 21 May 2010.
Students must have 180 ECTS (or equivalent) in Material Science or related disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Geoscience,…) good academic records and good English com petencies. The application form is available on the Mamaself web site. The deadline for students who apply without EM grant is: 19 June 2010.
Instruction language is English for lectures.
Further information about the study programme, the universities of the consortium, the admission process can be found on the Mamaself website
http://mamaself. univ-rennes1. fr
IDS-FunMat project.
IDS-FunMat is an International Doctoral Programme in Functional Materials funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme of the European Union.
Our school offers scholarships for PhD projects in Functional Materials Science, carried out in co-supervision between universities from two different countries (see list of partners). In most projects an industry partner is also involved. The PhD candidates must spend at least 6 months in each university. The projects start around October and take 3-4 years.
The European Union finances each year a number of ERASMUS MUNDUS PhD scholarships in our school, and in addition we have PhD projects funded by other sources.
The European Union finances each year a number of ERASMSUS MUNDUS scholarships in our school, and there are two categories of scholarships with different deadlines and conditions:
Category A: (6 scholarships in 2010) Candidates from countries outside of the EU, who have, for the last 12 months, not carried out their main activity (studies, work etc) inside the EU. EXCEPTION: Third country candidates who have received an ERASMSUS MUNDUS masters scholarship.
Category B: (4 scholarships in 2010) Everybody else (most EU based students)
Deadline for applications in both categories: 20 February 2010.
For more informations, please visit their website : http://www.idsfunma t.u-bordeaux1. fr/index. php