December 20, 2009

Internship Program

We invite highly qualified graduate, undergraduate, and MBA students to apply to our internship program. As one of the most prolific innovation centers in the world, PARC offers a truly exceptional experience. For more about PARC (including milestones, focus areas, and more), please visit http://www.parc. com

We value the fresh perspectives interns bring, so our interns are fully integrated into the daily activities of PARC's highly collaborative, multidisciplinary culture. Interns have the opportunity to work with leading researchers in the physical, com puter, biological, and social sciences; engage in different stages of the research and business-developmen t pipeline; present their ideas; and receive authorship on publications and/or patents.

To apply to the program: http://www.parc. com/internship

To share this with your online network (short URL): parcinternship

Link to a flyer you can post on campus job boards and other locations.

http://www.parc. com/about/ careers/internsh ip_parc.pdf

December 14, 2009

Fellowship Program

Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Fellowship Program 2010, ISEAS, Singapore

The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
(ISEAS) in Singapore , which pursues research on historical interactions
among Asian societies and civilizations, is accepting applications from
scholars who wish to undertake research and writing in the area of
intra-Asian historical interactions during 2010. The areas of particular
interest to the Centre are detailed on the NSC website:

Preference will be given to scholars who have com pleted their Ph.D. degree
within the last ten years. The fellowship will be for a period of up to six months and can be com menced any time between April and December 2010.

While in residence in Singapore , the fellow is expected to com plete a paper
on the proposed topic, organize or contribute to a workshop, and give a
public lecture at ISEAS. The fellowships include a monthly (all-inclusive)
stipend of SGD $6,000, and a one-off payment of SGD $1500 to cover research
costs. In addition, a round-trip economy airfare between the home country of
the researcher and Singapore will be provided.

Applicants should include with their applications a cover letter, a full CV,
two letters of reference, and a research proposal of approximately five
pages (double spaced). The proposal should discuss the issue to be
examined, a review of the relevant literature, plans for any fieldwork, and
project time frame. The preferred period for the fellowship should also be

The deadline for applications is 15 February, 2010 and should be directed
to the following address:

Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre,
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119614

Electronic applications can be submitted to:

Enquiries on the program should be directed to Geoff Wade,

December 10, 2009

Scholarships graduate program at Korea University

Study and Research at Dongguk University (SRD) with Full Scholarship

This scholarship is offered to selected foreign students for graduate programs in the College of Engineering ,
Dongguk University , with the following package:
Benefit: Exemption from fees and tuition (Entrnce Fee, Tuition Fee) during whole Graduate program.
Support living expense
- Master's program: 300,000 KRW / month
- Ph.D. program: 500,000 KRW / month
- Combined program of Master's and Ph.D. program: 500,000 KRW / month
Korean language class offered for 6 months with no tuition fee
He or She must satisfy the followings to maintain the scholarship after the awards are made:
- Work as a research assistant for any laboratories or research institutes of Dongguk university.
- Publish one or more SCI journal/conference papers for the Ph. D program.
- Must achieve over 3.5 of GPA in each semester.
achievement records are all taken into consideration.

Application Timeline
e Application
25th November, 2009 - 11st December, 2009
- Fill out the application form via the
On-line Application System (Click the
banner Form1).
Completion of Application
- All required documents (listed below)
and submitting via email.
- Print out and fill out Form3, Form4 and
submit via email.

Submission of
Required Documents
11st December, 2009 ~ 5th February, 2010
- The required documents must be
original documents and shoudl arrive
at the Office of Administration, College of
Engineering , Dongguk University via
- Applicants must have already submitted
the required documents via email.
- Submit 2 photos (3cm X 4cm)

Admissions Decision
31st December, 2009
Results will be posted on the College of Engineering Website, here

25th February, 2010
25th Feb, 2010.
26th February, 2010
Course Registration
2nd March, 2010 - 10th March, 2010

December 4, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program in Geospatial Technologies

The University of Münster, Germany , University Jaume I, Spain , and New University of Lisbon, Portugal, provide a new Masters Program in Geospatial Technologies. The English-taught Masters program has been approved in the educational program of excellence of the European Union ERASMUS MUNDUS. The program targets international applicants and will provide

  • 10 full scholarships for non-EU students (26.000 € + tuition fees + insurance package)
  • 2 full scholarships for students from Western Balkans and Turkey (26.000 € + tuition fees + insurance package)
  • 8 financial contributions to EU students + EEA-EFTA countries and Switzerland (9.000 € + tuition fees + insurance package)
  • 4 grants for non-EU visiting researchers/ scholars (14.800 € for four months of teaching and research)

We kindly ask you to distribute this information and the attached flyer to all potentially interested

  • Students - the Masters program addresses holders of Bachelor degrees in APPLICATION AREAS of Geographic Information, such as Geography, Environmental Planning, Regional Planning, Transportation/ Logistics, Agriculture, Forestry, Retailing/Marketing , etc., and/or
  • Researchers (visiting scholars) with high-level academic achievements in the field of Geographic Information.

For further information, please see http://geotech. uni-muenster. de/. Thank you very much for your support by disseminating this information.

Kind regards

Christoph Brox

Dr. Christoph Brox
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi)
University of Muenster
Weseler Strasse 253
D-48151 Münster
Phone: +49 (0)251 8334721
Fax: +49 (0)251 8339763
http://ifgi. uni-muenster. de/

December 1, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program in Materials Science

Master in Materials Science Exploiting Large Scale Facilities.

Mamaself is a 2 year full time Master aiming to promote the scientific collaboration between Universities, Large scale facilities and Industry.
This Master is the result of the collaboration between four Universities: University Rennes 1, ( France ), University of Torino , ( Italy ), Technical University and the Ludwig Maximilians University München ( Germany ). The Master degree will be delivered by two or three out of the four universities, so the students will receive a double Master degree in Materials Science.
Each student will spend one year in a first hosting institution, the first semester of the second Master year at a second university and the last semester at a university or Large scale Faclities or at a partner institution in Japan , Switzerland or India .

Grants for Non-European students
For each academic year the consortium of universities selects non-European students who will receive a grant. Each non-European student will receive a grant of 22.000 euros per year. Deadline is for 2010-2012 : 19 .01.2010. Non EU students who spent a year in Europe before applying must applicate before 21 May 2010.

Grants for European students
In the framework of the Erasmus Mundus 2 programme, European students can apply for an EM fellowship of 12.000€. This grant amount includes the mobility grant for a period at one of the non EU partner institutions in Japan , Switzerland or India during the second semester of the second Master year. The application deadline is : 21 May 2010.

Students must have 180 ECTS (or equivalent) in Material Science or related disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Geoscience,…) good academic records and good English com petencies. The application form is available on the Mamaself web site. The deadline for students who apply without EM grant is: 19 June 2010.
Instruction language is English for lectures.
Further information about the study programme, the universities of the consortium, the admission process can be found on the Mamaself website
http://mamaself. univ-rennes1. fr

IDS-FunMat project.

IDS-FunMat is an International Doctoral Programme in Functional Materials funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Programme of the European Union.
Our school offers scholarships for PhD projects in Functional Materials Science, carried out in co-supervision between universities from two different countries (see list of partners). In most projects an industry partner is also involved. The PhD candidates must spend at least 6 months in each university. The projects start around October and take 3-4 years.
The European Union finances each year a number of ERASMUS MUNDUS PhD scholarships in our school, and in addition we have PhD projects funded by other sources.

The European Union finances each year a number of ERASMSUS MUNDUS scholarships in our school, and there are two categories of scholarships with different deadlines and conditions:
Category A: (6 scholarships in 2010) Candidates from countries outside of the EU, who have, for the last 12 months, not carried out their main activity (studies, work etc) inside the EU. EXCEPTION: Third country candidates who have received an ERASMSUS MUNDUS masters scholarship.
Category B: (4 scholarships in 2010) Everybody else (most EU based students)
Deadline for applications in both categories: 20 February 2010.

For more informations, please visit their website : http://www.idsfunma t.u-bordeaux1. fr/index. php

November 28, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Tohoku University

International Course
IGPAS (International Graduate Program for Advanced Science)

IGPAS 2010
Program begins:
October, 2010 (Fall 2010 semester)
Application Period:
November 2, 2009 – December 18, 2009
Notification Period:
February 1- 15, 2010
IGPAS 2009
Program begins:
October, 2009 (Fall 2009 semester)
Application Period:
December 1, 2008 – January 31, 2009
Notification Period:
March 6, 2009 or around


International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (IGPAS) is an interdisciplinary graduate program in the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University . It was established in October 2004 as the first international graduate program founded in Japanese national universities. IGPAS offers courses in English for international students who are eager to obtain master’s and doctoral degrees from the Graduate School of Science. It also aims to educate Japanese students to exert their abilities as internationally- active, professional scientists.
IGPAS has proudly reserved positions of Japanese government scholarship for its master’s students since its foundation, and in 2008, IGPAS-Super Doctoral Course (SDC) has been started for doctoral students jointly with the Institute for the International Advanced Research and Education (IIARE) of Tohoku University . Students of IGPAS-SDC benefit from fellowship by IIARE to promote world top-level, interdisciplinary research at the Graduate School of Science.
Prospective students will have excellent opportunities to study modern science and conduct cutting-edge research with top-level scientists currently working at Tohoku University .
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IGPAS is a 5-year graduate program as the com bination of a 2-year master’s program and a 3-year doctoral program. Each student belongs to one of six departments, which are divided into three groups according to the GCOE programs:(i) Chemistry, (ii) Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics, and (iii) Earth Science and Geophysics.
The academic year of IGPAS starts in October. The Graduate School of Science will admit at most 20 students each for the master’s and doctoral programs each year.
Financial Support

As of October, 2009, availability of financial supports for IGPAS students is as shown below. See 7. FINANCIAL SUPPORT of the IGPAS appplication booklet for the eligibility requirements of the following financial support below.
Master’s Program
Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship for 8 students
Term of the Scholarship: 5 years (2 years + 3 years)
¦ Monthly stipend of 156,000 yen as a master’s student and 157,000 yen as a doctoral student.
¦ Flight tickets between the country of the student’s nationality and Japan
¦Exemption from application, admission and tuition fees.
Doctoral Program
IGPAS-SDC fellowship for 2 students
Term of the Fellowship: 3 years
¦ Monthly stipend of 200,000 yen
¦ 300,000 yen to com pensate for admission fee
¦ 250,000 yen/semester to com pensate for tuition
¦ Research grants of up to 500,000 yen/semester (up to 1,000,000 yen/year)
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How to Apply

Step 1: Find faculty members in the field of your interest as candidates for your supervisor. Applications will not be accepted without the consent of at least one faculty member as a prospective supervisor. The prospective supervisors should be a professor, associate professor, or lecturer (senior assistant professor) affiliated to the Graduate School of Science. To look for faculty members, refer to the following websites.
—Brochure of the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
—Departments websites
—Academic Research Staff at Tohoku University
Step 2: Contact the faculty members directly via email and obtain consent of acceptance. To contact the faculty members, it is strongly advisable to:
—gather information about the faculty members and their field of research in advance by looking at their publications, research papers, and personal websites.
—include “IGPAS 2010” in the subject line of the email.
—provide as much of your academic background and application information as possible.
—provide the names of other faculty members if contacting more than one at the same time.
—provide the name of your current or the latest supervisor as a reference.
Step 3: Prepare the required documents for application
(see 10.APPLICATION DOCUMENTS of the IGPAS Application Booklet).
Step 4: Send application documents to the Academic Affairs Section for IGPAS via airmail. All the application documents should be enclosed together, sent via airmail, and received by the Academic Affairs Section for IGPAS by December 18, 2009 JST.
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Download Forms

Please check out 9. HOW TO APPLY and 10. APPLICATIN DOCUMENTS of the IGPAS application booklet first, and then download required forms from the chart below. Additional documents are also required for application.

Contact Information

Academic Affairs Section for IGPAS
Graduate School of Science , Tohoku University
6-3 Aramaki-Aza- Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578 JAPAN
Operated by
Graduate Academic Affairs Section
Division for International Research and Educational Cooperation (DIRECT)
Monday-Friday 10:30am-4:30pm
Tel:+81-22-795- 5829
Fax:+81-22-795- 6345
E-mail: direct[at mark]mail.sci. jp
Those who are inquiring by email, please:
· Include “IGPAS2010” in the subject line.
· Provide as much of your application information as possible.
· Read the IGPAS application booklet and FAQ thoroughly before inquiring.

November 22, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at NTU Singapore

Please be informed that application for Master of Science in Strategic Studies, International Relations, International Political Economy and Asian Studies Programmes for AY2010/2011 (Admission in Aug 2010) is now open!
The online application will be closed on 28 February 2010.

We have various Scholarships / Study Awards available to both Singaporeans and Foreign students, namely, Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarship, Lee Foundation Scholarship, Gita Wirjawan Graduate Fellowship, Student Research Assistantships, Terrorism Analyst Study Awards and NTU Alumni Scholarships. In particularly, the ASEAN Graduate Scholarship which is now open and close on 31 December 2009.

For more information, please visit here.
Please visit our M.Sc website http://www.rsis. index.htm to find out how these programmes will benefit you and other administrative details such as the course structure, fees, application procedures.

Please email us at rsisprogrammes@ if you have any queries.

Thank you.

Graduate Programmes Office
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU

November 17, 2009

Fellowships Graduate Program in Berlin

* Special scholarships for outstanding female candidates
* Partner companies funding scholarships for applicants of exceptional merit
* 3 Corporate Fellowships with traineeships at international corporations for qualified candidates


European School of Management and Technology is offering several
additional merit-based scholarships for applicants to the Full-time MBA program beginning January 2010 in Berlin . These scholarships have been made possible by ESMT’s partner com panies, who have donated to the scholarship pool. Outstanding female candidates may also apply for a limited number of full-tuition scholarships. ESMT’s partners are a group of 25 global com panies, such as Allianz, BMW, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, MAN, Siemens, The Boston Consulting Group, and ThyssenKrupp.

All accepted applicants to the ESMT Full-time MBA program are screened for scholarship selection.
Applications will be accepted until early December 2009.


Kristin Dolgner, Tel.: +49 (0)30 21231-1066, kristin.dolgner@
Martha Ihlbrock, Tel.: +49 (0)30 21231-1043, martha.ihlbrock@

About ESMT


European School of Management and Technology was founded in October
2002 by 25 leading global com panies and institutions. The international business school offers Full-time MBA and Executive MBA programs, as well as executive education in the form of open enrollment and customized programs. The School also features in-house
research-oriented consulting services in the areas of com petition and
regulation. ESMT is a private university based in Berlin , Germany , with an additional location in Schloss Gracht near Cologne .

November 13, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program by Sampoena Foundation

Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship – 2010 Intake

The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia ’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides one (1) scholarship to pursue a Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading university overseas. Upon com pleting the program, the scholarship recipient is required to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer his/ her knowledge to his/ her fellow citizens.

Application deadline is February 1, 2010

Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship consists of the following options:

No.Name of Scholarship
1.Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA
2.Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia
3.Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France
4.British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK
5.Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore

Basic Requirements:

· Indonesian citizen who is under 35 years of age when lodging the application;
· Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale);
· Have a minimum of 2 year full-time professional work experience after the com pletion of the undergraduate degree;
· Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent;
· Did not graduate from an overseas tertiary institutions, unless was on a full scholarship;
· Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award;
· Has applied to the university(ies) that are re com mended by Sampoerna Foundation for the academic year 2010/2011 by the closing date of this scholarship application (February 1, 2010);
· Submit the result of TOEFL/ IELTS and GMAT with the minimum score as required by the chosen university;
· Have motivation to return to Indonesia and work in Indonesia upon com pletion of the MBA program.

What is Covered?

The scholarship covers the following:
· GMAT and TOEFL/ IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice;
· University application fee, for up to two (2) universities;
· Student visa application fee;
· Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
· Tuition fees, for the duration of study;
· Living allowance, to support living costs during period of study;
· Literature allowance, to purchase textbooks required for study.

List of Universities:

Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA Scholarship

1. Harvard University - Boston , MA
2. Stanford University - Stanford , CA
3. Northwestern University (Kellogg) - Evanston , IL
3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) - Philadelphia , PA
5. Massachusetts Institut of Technology (Wharton) - Cambridge , MA
5. University of Chicago (Booth) - Chicago , IL
7. University of California-Berkeley (Haas) - Berkeley , CA
9. Columbia University - New York , NY
10. Yale University - New Haven , CT
* Reference: USNews: America ’s Best Graduate Schools 2009 (

Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia Scholarship

Australian Graduate School of Management
Melbourne Business School
* Reference: Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France Scholarship

Reference: Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK Scholarship

London Business School
University of Cambridge (Judge)
University of Oxford (Said)
* Reference: Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore Scholarship
1. National University of Singapore
2. Nanyang Technological University
* Reference: Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2009

Prospective applicants should directly contact the universities to find out about the admission process and requirements for enrolment. Applicants’ inquiries about the scholarship (requirements, conditions, coverage, etc) should be directed to Sampoerna Foundation.

How to Apply?
Download the application package (application form and reference form) at www.sampoernafounda
The com pleted application package should be submitted by the deadline (February 1, 2010) to Sampoerna Foundation office:
Sampoerna School of Education
Jl. Kapten Tendean No.88C, 5th Floor
Jakarta Selatan 12710 , Indonesia

When submitting the application package, please write the name of the scholarship program at the top right corner of the envelope.

Further Information.

Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including our policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at www.sampoernafounda, e-mail us at ella.cecilia@ sampoernafoundat, or call us at 021-5772340 ext.7153.


Ella Cecillia
Program Department - Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower , 27th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.45, Jakarta 12930
Phone: 62 21 5772340 ext. 7153/ Fax. 62 21 5772341

November 8, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Vienne Graduate School of Finance

The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) invites excellent students to apply for the PhD Program in Finance starting in fall 2010. Up to six scholarships will be offered to the best applicants.

The program is open for students from all countries with all academic specializations, provided they hold a Master degree or equivalent and have sufficient level of formal training. Students who are going to graduate soon (by June 2010) may apply, too. To participate in the selection process a candidate's application must be received by January 7, 2010.

The VGSF PhD program in Finance consists of two parts: rigorous coursework and work on the PhD thesis. The students attend courses covering all major topics in finance and analytical methods required for research. In particular, the courses focus on Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing and Quantitative Methods in Finance. In the past academic years students had the chance to attend courses taught by international scholars such as Tomas Björk, Christopher Hennessy, David Lando, Jacob Sagi, Rossen Valkanov, Jiang Wang and Toni Whited. After passing the required exams, students start to conduct research projects on their own. In our weekly research seminar students have the opportunity to meet internationally renowned scholars presenting their state-of-the art research.

University of Vienna, Department of Finance, Brünnerstrasse 72, 1210 Vienna (Wien),Austria.


November 3, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program in the Czech republic

Programme Scholarship for foreign students supports foreign students from the third countries out of European Union who want to study at one of the universities in the South Moravian region in the Czech republic , in the Czech study programmes.

What is provided in the programme:

Scholarship (monthly 6000 Czech crown - approx. 220EUR) for the first study year - to cover basic living costs (if students achieves good study results during the first study year, they obtain scholarship straight from the university in the following years). There is no tuition fee for students attending study programs in Czech language.
Free administrative assistance and consultancy – help with university entrance exams procedure and during the first study year in the South Moravian region (diploma recognition, information service, visa, study matters etc.)

Who can apply:
Foreign students from the third countries out of European Union, who wish to study a follow-up master or Ph.D. study programs in Czech language, at partner universities in the South Moravian region of the Czech republic . Preferably in technical and natural science field of study.

How to apply:
The application includes two essential steps:

Application for study at a partner university in Brno
Application for scholarship to the South Moravian Centre for International Mobility

Applicants do not pay any fee for the application. See more information at How to submit an application.

Deadline for application submitting
To apply for scholarship at academic year 2010/2011 there is a deadline 20th February 2010.

Conditions for receiving scholarship:

Submitting the com plete application for scholarship and application for study in the given deadlines.
Applicants must pass successfully an entrance university exam
Final choice of scholarship holders makes independent Selection Committee, whose members are the vice-rectors of our partner universities. Selection is done from the group of applicants who have been accepted to the study at the university.

Czech language:
It is expected that the applicants have sufficient knowledge of Czech language to be able to start studying in Czech right after their arrival in Brno .

The applicants who receive scholarship can attend course of Czech language (free of charge) in Brno at the university for the period of the first academic year (13 weeks, 12 lessons weekly), including final exam of Czech language.

From the previous years of the programme:
The scholarship programme for foreign students has started since the academic year 2006/2007, so far there have been supported totally 70 students.

In the academic year there have been supported 14 foreign students. In the following academic year there were 22 scholarship holders of JCMM and at the same time 4 students from Bosnia and Herzegovina attended a project of five-month course of Czech language in Brno in order to continue their study at a local university. In the present academic year 2008/2009 there are 30 scholarship holders, who have been chosen out of 79 applicants.

http://jcmm. cz/scholarship- for-foreign- university- students. html

Application online:
http://jcmm. cz/en/scholarshi p-for-foreign- university- students/ on-line-applicat ion.html

November 2, 2009

Fellowship Graduate Prgram at Harvard University

Fellowships in Sustainability Science Harvard University 's Center for International Development

The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University 's Center for International Development invites applications for resident fellowships in sustainability science for the University's academic year beginning in September 2010. The fellowship com petition is open to advanced doctoral and post-doctoral students, and to mid-career professionals engaged in research or practice to facilitate the design,
implementation, and evaluation of effective interventions that promote sustainable development.

Due date for applications: *December 1, 2009*

Applicants should describe how their work would contribute to "sustainability science," the emerging field of use-inspired research seeking understanding of the interactions between human and environmental systems as well as the application of such knowledge to sustainability challenges relating to advancing development of agriculture, habitation, energy and materials, health and water while conserving the earth's life support systems. This year we will give some preference to applicants who address the challenges related to meeting human needs for water or food/agriculture/ land use in the context of sustainable development.

In addition to general funds available to support this fellowship offering, special funding for the Giorgio Ruffolo Fellowships in Sustainability Science is available to support citizens of Italy or developing countries who are therefore especially encouraged to apply. The Sustainability Science Program is directed by Professors William Clark and Michael Kremer, and Nancy Dickson. For more information on the fellowships application process see .

October 28, 2009

Research Associate at the Fuqua School of Business

The Offshoring Research Network (ORN) at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, is seeking to hire a Research Associate for a period of two years, starting Summer/Fall 2009. The Research Associate will be expected to carry out survey-based and/or case study-based research on offshoring, outsourcing and the globalization of services.

ORN multi-year surveys
The international ORN project was initiated in 2004 by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the Duke Fuqua School of Business. The ORN project conducts both quantitative, survey-based research and qualitative case studies. It solicits two major annual surveys.

The ORN Corporate Client Survey tracks the adoption of offshoring and outsourcing administrative and technical functions, e.g. IT, finance & accounting, software and product development, by client companies across industries, from pioneering early adopters to the majority adopters. It includes data e.g. on offshoring drivers, risks, location choices, delivery models, performance outcomes and future plans. Unlike other surveys, this survey tracks offshoring and outsourcing activities over time by discrete functional implementation projects. It also includes companies that only consider offshoring and even those that have not considered offshoring yet. In collaboration with research partners worldwide, the ORN survey has been extended year by year. It has been taken by more than 1,500 companies from the U.S., Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Scandinavia, and Belgium, and it will include companies from Italy, Korea, Australia and other countries.

The ORN Service Provider Survey, which was launched in 2007 for the first time, investigates the service providers’ perspective of offshoring. It covers questions about service profiles, the choice of service location, client contracts and relationships, risks involved with providing services, the recruitment and management of talent, future plans and outsourcing trends, and many other aspects.

ORN case studies
Parallel to the collection and analysis of survey-based data, the ORN project also involves complementary case studies investigating not only companies’ various experiences with offshoring, but also their internal routines, processes and capabilities that differentiate early from late adopters of the new business practice as well as more and less successful offshoring companies. In particular, ORN research is focusing on companies offshoring higher-level, innovation-centered activities and processes. Taking a co-evolutional research perspective, the ORN project also investigates the emergence of new geographical knowledge clusters and institutions guiding offshoring/outsourc ing activities.

In addition to developing knowledge on companies’ offshoring practices, the project seeks to develop theoretical concepts and frameworks partly based on the cases, explaining the emergence, adoption, and diffusion of offshoring practices and underlying capabilities within and across companies, industries, and countries. Audiences of the research results include both business practitioners and academics. Although the candidate’s main focus will be on academic research, he/she will have to maintain a strong orientation towards the business implications of the research findings.

Job requirements
The Research Associate will work in close collaboration with the other members of the international ORN research team and will participate in all aspects of the research projects, including data collection and analysis, and crafting research papers. The candidate will participate in developing practitioners- oriented presentations and in writing Thought Leadership articles for the business community. He or she will also be involved in designing and running selected courses for MBA students and executive MBAs. In addition, he or she is expected to work together with our sponsoring organizations and partners, including PricewaterhouseCoop ers and The Conference Board, in conducting custom research and various other projects. The opportunity to get involved in a wide array of activities will allow the Research Associate to acquire deep contextual knowledge and skills, field expertise and experience and qualify for both academic and consulting-oriented careers.

Ph.D. in Management/Business , Economics, Sociology, Geography or other related disciplines
Expertise and interest in relevant research areas, e.g. sourcing, business process redesign, open innovation, international business, cross-cultural communication, organizational learning, project and network management
Strong skills and proven experience in writing research reports and papers, and in presenting at international conferences
- Proven experience with (1) quantitative survey design and statistical analysis using large databases and/or (2) developing and analyzing case or field studies, preferably theory-guided and/or theory-building
Fluency in English
- Strong interpersonal skills, team spirit, and ability to work in multicultural settings
- Flexible, stress resistant, multi-task person with good time and priority management
- Available to travel worldwide.

How and where to apply

Please send a cover letter describing your interest in the Research Associate position; your CV, including your professional background, skills and publications; and a letter of recommendation by your PhD supervisor and/or other professor(s) you have collaborated with to the following address (either regular mail OR email):

Professor Arie Y. Lewin
Duke University
The Fuqua School of Business
1 Towerview Drive
Durham, NC 27708

Maly Sibounheuang (Associate Director):, ++1 919 660 7836, or
Dr. Stephan Manning (Research Associate):, ++1 919 660 7887

For further information about this position, please also contact Dr. Stephan Manning.

October 26, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Nortwestern University

Scholarship PhD Student, Northwestern University

Department: Lingusitics
Web Address:


In conjunction with our institutional partners, the Department of Linguistics
at Northwestern University invites applications for graduate fellowships in
linguistics and interdisciplinary research in language. All admitted students
receive a 5 year funding commitment (subject to satisfactory progress
towards the degree) including tuition, a 12-month stipend, and health
insurance. Students also have access to a variety of institutional resources for
supporting student research projects and professional travel.

Northwestern has a vibrant community of researchers actively working on a
wide variety of issues in language structure and processing, utilizing a
diverse range of methods and populations.

-Structure of linguistic systems within and across levels: Pragmatics,
Semantics, Syntax, Morphology, Phonology, Phonetics
-Perception, production and acquisition of first and second languages
-Dynamics of language: diachronic change; experience-related plasticity
-Language and music: Parallels and interactions

-Statistical modeling; probabilistic approaches to language structure and
-Formal/mathematical theories of linguistic systems
-Experimental studies of language; psycholinguistics
-Acoustic phonetics; prosody and intonation
-Machine learning and natural language processing; corpus analysis
-Functional and structural neuroimaging; electrophysiology

-Mono- and multilingual
-Infant, young adult and elderly
-Acquired and developmental disorders

For more information on graduate study, research, and the application process,
visit us online:

If you have questions please contact the admissions officer, Matt Goldrick (see
contact information below).

Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2009

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Matt Goldrick

October 21, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program for Asia

Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Asia (JISPA)

Application deadline : December 10, 2009 for the 2010-11 academic year.

Target countries: Under current program guidelines, candidates must be a national of one of the following countries:

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao P.D.R., Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pacific Island Countries, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

Work: Candidates should also currently work for one of the following or related agencies:

central bank, ministry of economy, ministry of finance, ministry of planning/development, ministry of trade/commerce, tax administration, or national statistics bureau. The program will also consider officials working in other areas of government that have a significant impact on the formulation or implementation of macroeconomic policy.

Education background: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent with at least 16 years of formal education. Names of schools and attending dates beginning from primary school must be listed in the application. In some cases, 15 years of formal education may be accepted if there is an official explanation (a country’s particular educational system or other exceptional circumstances).

English proficiency: Applicants must have an English language proficiency, which needs to be demonstrated as equivalent to or more than an official TOEFL score of 550, CBT213, or iBT79-80. If TOEFL scores are not available, then an overall IELTS score of at least 6.0 can be substituted.

Application procedures

1. Completed application form: The applicant for the partnership track is requested to apply through the online application system. (The on-line application will be made available by the mid-October, 2009.) The blank application form Blank application form: PDF Version can be reviewed for reference only.
2. Official transcripts and official copies of diplomas or degree certificates from all undergraduate and graduate schools: An official copy means a certified copy of the original document with an official seal obtained from the administration office of the university attended. Copies attested by organizations/persons not having notarized/legal bearing will not be accepted.
3. Two reference letters: References should be from applicants’ supervisor at work and/or an academic advisor or professor.
4. TOEFL/IELTS certificate (if available): The TOEFL/IELTS test score must be from an examination taken after December 10, 2007. If a score is unavailable, the applicant will be requested to sit for a TOEFL/IELTS examination prior to receiving a final decision on the scholarship award.

All submitted application material must be presented in English or be accompanied by an official English translation. The material will be considered under the control of the IMF and provided to the relevant school(s) and the Government of Japan as it sees appropriate. None of the material will be returned to applicants.

Application and further information :

October 19, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Swiss Tropical Institute

PhD Scholarships in Epidemiology

Neglected Tropical Diseases and integrated demographic
surveillance in mobile pastoralists and their animals in Chad
In the frame work of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation ProDoc
scheme, a PhD position in Epidemiology is open at earliest convenience.

PhD Position in Epidemiology at the human-animal interface
Working places: Basel, Switzerland and N’Djaména, Chad
Remuneration: According to the salary scheme of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Duration 3 years.


Master of Science degree
Registration at the University of Basel
Experience with field work in Africa
Fluency in French, written and spoken
Notions in Arabic are an asset
Suitable candidates have preferably a background in biology, public health, animal
health, population biology or health geography.

Applicants are invited to send:
1. Letter of motivation
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Copies of their diplomas
4. Letters of recommendation
5. Names and addresses of two reference persons
PD Dr. Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical Institute, PO Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland,
or by email to, Tel. +41 61 284 81 39

Background and Aims of the Project
Substantial gains have been made in global health, including reductions in overall and
child mortality in developing countries. However, progress remains uneven and there are
growing differences in mortality, morbidity and disease burden rates according to
geographical region. For example, communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal
conditions, and micronutrient deficiencies cluster in the tropics and subtropics, and
contribute to delay the social and economic development. Improving the health and
livelihoods of the global poor could save millions of healthy life years, enhance equity
and alleviate poverty, and hence contribute to achieving the millennium development
goals (MDGs). Certain MDGs are addressed by global alliances and partnerships; e.g. the
control of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Fewer efforts are placed on the so-called
neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), e.g. helminth infections and zoonoses. The focus of
this project is on the epidemiology and control of NTDs in semi-arid and humid contexts
in Central and West Africa.

The goal of this proposal is to deepen our understanding of morbidity patterns and
transmission dynamics of NTDs in two eco-epidemiological settings of Africa,
and to study the effects of control interventions aiming at reducing the burden due to
NTDs. This will entail the development of methods and analytical tools for demographic
surveillance of a highly mobile population in Chad, and a rural sedentary population in
south-central Côte d’Ivoire. These demographic surveillance system (DSS) sites will
serve as platforms to monitor changes in morbidity patterns following locally-adapted

October 18, 2009

Fellowship Graduate Program at Univ. of Iceland

PhD Fellowship in systems biology of human metabolism

The Center of Systems Biology, University of Iceland is looking to recruit a highly motivated PhD students to join a growing effort focusing on systems biology of human metabolism. The research at the CSB UoI focuses on :
1) human metabolism
2) industrial biotechnology
The Center is an interdisciplinary center with the Schools of Medicine, Engineering and Natural Sciences participating.

The CSB UoI aims to characterize human disease using a systems biology approach. This research effort includes on :
1) expanding the currently available human metabolic reconstruction
2) discovery of new functions and pathways in human metabolism using computational and experimental techniques
3) phenotyping of human cell lines using metabolomic techniques
4) computational and experimental analysis of metabolic changes associated with disease
5) high-throughput drug screening. We use the state-of-the-art computational methods to guide and design human cell culturing experiments as well as metabolomic measurements. These technologies are embedded in a biologically driven research program that aims at systematic understanding of human metabolism, disease manifestation and drug target identification.

Job description:

* Expansion and refinement of the human metabolic reconstruction.
* Identification of missing metabolic genes using bioinformatics and modeling tools (gap filling)
* Development of cell type specific metabolic models from experimental data and the human metabolic reconstruction.
* Databases and literature mining for genomic information.
* Computational modeling of human metabolism in health and disease.

The project will thus include key technologies used in computational systems biology and bioinformatics.

Your qualifications:

* Master´s degree (or equivalent) in Bioinformatics, (Molecular) Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or Medicine.
* Strong interest in human biology and computational modeling.
* Basic skills/ experience in programming and statistical data analysis.
* Communication skills and team orientated work.

Our Offer:

* Working in a scientifically stimulating, innovative, dynamic, well- equipped, and international surrounding.
* In-depth training in cutting edge technologies used in systems biology.
* Numerous training opportunities in (molecular) biology, systems biology and bioinformatics.
* Initial short-term employment contract for three years.

The position is available immediately. Please send a cover letter, a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae and contact information for three references in pdf file form to Professor Ines Thiele ( ).

All applications will be answered and applicants will be informed about the appointment when a decision has been made. Salary for the positions will be according to collective wage and salary agreement.

Appointments to the University of Iceland do take into account the Equal Rights Project of the University of Iceland.

website link:

October 11, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at UK universities (Chevening)

Chevening Scholarships applications for 2010/2011 was opened in 1 August 2009.

Chevening Scholarships and Fellowships are highly prestigious awards funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and administered by the British Council. The programme offers outstanding graduates and young professionals, for international students who wish to study in the United Kingdom (UK) universities.

The awards are made for one year’s formal study for a postgraduate qualification or for a shorter period of not less than three months to pursue private study or research at a university or similar institution in the UK.


* a return economy airfare to the UK from any Australian city
* all compulsory academic fees
* monthly stipend
* book allowance
* thesis allowance

Candidates should have a strong undergraduate degree (emphasis is placed on applications with First or Second Class Honours). Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia.

Chevening scholarships are targeted towards a broad range of fields and disciplines. Priority is given to the following areas:

* Science and innovation
* New and renewable energy resources and energy security
* Global environmental issues
* Science policy
* Sustainable development
* Human rights
* Political science

Application Deadline: 18 October 2009


* Applications for Chevening Scholarships for study in the 2010/11 academic year open on Saturday 1 August. The application deadline is midnight Sunday 18 October.
* Applications will ONLY be accepted via the new online application system. For further details on how to submit your application, and to complete the online application procedure, please go to
* No late applications will be accepted.
* In your application you will be asked to list contact details for two referees. Note, referees should be professional and/or academic.
* A Medical Form is only required once an award has been made.

October 9, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Tilburg University

Scholarship Ph.D Program in Service Science at Tilburg University

The European Research Institute in Service Science (ERISS,, part of the department of Information Management, Tilburg University, The Netherlands, is seeking a highly motivated and dedicated PhD candidate to work on a exceedingly challenging, interdisciplinary research project focusing on modelling and simulating networked service systems, applying theories and models from computer science, information systems, management and business administration.

You will have the opportunity to work in an international environment and collaborate with and visit a number of high-profile researchers from universities and research institutes all over Europe.

The research project focuses on various areas including: analysis and design of interactions between service network partners, simulation of behaviour of network partners and the network, and enactment and management service networks with software services.

Candidates should meet the following requirements:

* An excellent Masters degree (avg. over 8/10) in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Management or a closely related field.
* Expertise in Operations Management, particularly, service operations management and system dynamics.
* Programming skills in simulation tools (VemSim, IThink) and languages such as Java, PHP, Perl and/or C++.
* Strong formal background (mathematics, system dynamics, etc.).
* Very good communication and writing skills in English.
* Knowledge and experience within the fields of SOA, business process management and (process) simulation, and software modeling and development skills will be highly rated.
* Candidates should be able to work in a collaborative environment with a strong commitment to achieving research excellence.

Interested candidates are requested to send their application by October 16th, 2009 to Alice Kloosterhuis, including:

1. A cover letter describing yourself and your interests.
2. Soft copy of your publications (e.g. master or PhD thesis, conference/workshop/journal papers).
3. Your CV.
4. Your transcripts.
5. Proof of proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL test or IELTS) if English is not your first language.

Contact Person

Ms. Alice Kloosterhuis

October 7, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Aarhus University Denmark

PhD scholarship in Globalisation and International Economics
At the Department of Economics at Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, a PhD scholarship will be available from December 1, 2009 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The PhD scholarship is linked to a multidisciplinary research project entitled “Made in Denmark anno 2050 – It is funded by the Tuborg Foundation and the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.

The PhD student will be placed at the GlobID research group at the Department of Economics at Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, and is expected to partake in large-scale data analysis, econometric investigations as well as in writing of academic articles and communication of research results. Further information on the PhD scholarship can be obtained from professor Philipp Schröder, Department of Economics, phone: +45 89 486 392, e-mail:

PhD students in Denmark work under very favourable terms: They are employed on a full-time basis for three years, and the salary is enough to cover all necessary accommodation and living costs and to lead an active life. A PhD student does not pay university fees.

There are also good and well-paid job opportunities in Denmark for people with a PhD degree, both within and outside the university sector.

The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another – often foreign – research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. ASB also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences. In addition, it is expected that PhD students participate in and contribute to the other activities of the department.

Conditions of employment
The PhD scholarship has duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the scholarship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.

The applicant’s research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. Exam results will also be assessed. For further information on admission criteria and ASB’s PhD programme, please go to:

If you have any questions about the scholarship etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver, deputy head, tel. +45 8948 6560, e-mail:

The application must be submitted on a special application form which can be downloaded here or requested from Pia Schytz, tel. +45 8948 6989 e-mail:

The following material must be submitted:
* Application form (scholarship no. 544-0136)
* Project description (max. 5 pages), including the expected theoretical and methodological approach.
* Graduate diploma (including a list of all grades)
* CV
* Other material, if any (e.g. publications), which should be taken into account in the assessment

The application and attachments must be submitted in sets (without binding) in five copies by ordinary mail to Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Management Office, Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark, Attn.: Pia Schytz, or via e-mail to

Deadline for application
Friday, October 30, 2009 at 12:00 noon.

The applications will subsequently be assessed by an expert assessment committee, and applicants will receive the committee’s assessment of the individual application and the response to the application from ASB approx. one month after the expiry of the deadline for application.

Further information about Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, can be found at:
Aarhus University:

October 5, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at IMT Lucca Italy

Scholarship Ph.D. Programs at IMT:
Computer Science and Engineering

Economics, Markets, Institutions

The program aims at dealing with issues in political economy, applied public economics, the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomics on productivity and growth. A distinctive feature of the Ph.D. program is the integration of theoretical, technical, and practical expertise, aimed to educate highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy. Theoretical methodologies and models are generated and tested, through the systematic investigation of the real world, with a distinctive focus on concrete observation of markets and their actors. At the end of the program, students are able to identify commonalities as well as distinctive characters of economies, markets, and industries.

Management and Development of Cultural Heritage
Ph.D. in cooperation with Politecnico di Torino

The program trains both researchers and professionals, able to operate at the highest levels of management of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, in both public and private institutions. The program integrates concepts and methods from several domains (humanities, economics, law, information technologies, material sciences) in the analysis of cultural heritage and landscape. The program provides a consistent multidisciplinary path where students are provided with competencies which nowadays cannot be obtained but through particular self-training initiatives. The job market today has to rely on various professional figures - thus incurring conflicts and standstills in the decision-making process - or is forced to choose only one competence among all the needed ones. A distinctive feature of the program is the involvement of Ph.D. students in projects, both on local and international scale, so as to make them familiar with the complex management of cultural heritage and landscape.

Political Systems and Institutional Change

The Ph.D. in Political Systems and Institutional Change is a multidisciplinary course analysing, in a comparative perspective, institutions in their historical, political, sociological, economic and legal features. Special attention will be devoted to processes of institutional change. The Ph.D. aims at forming political analysts able to: plan and manage collaborative and integrated processes at the international level; analyse and assess policies and institutional settings at a supranational, national and regional level; confront the specific problems of countries in transition towards democracy and a market economy.

Duration: 3 years

Language: Courses and seminars are held in English. Foreign Ph.D. students are required to attend an Italian Language and Culture Course.

Classes begin in March 2010.


The deadline for applications is December 4, 2009 at 18:00 (Italian time).


Application Online:

October 3, 2009

Asia Fellowship Program

The Asian Scholarship Foundation (ASF) is funded by a grant from the Ford Foundation. Its office in Bangkok administers the ASIA Fellows Awards in the region with assistance from its partner offices in Beijing, Hanoi, Jakarta, Manila, and New Delhi.
The ASF Board Management Committee is composed of twelve educational and public leaders from the People’s Republic of China, Northeast Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia. The Board Management Committee selects the fellows, oversees the program and makes policy decisions.

1. Citizens of and residents in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, the Republic of Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

2. Master’s/doctoral degree or equivalent professional training and experiences (minimum of 3 years of university teaching experiences for scholars or 5 years of work experience for professionals).

3. Applicants must be 45 years old or younger at the time of the application deadline. However, those up to 50 years old proposing to do research in the field of Humanities may be given special consideration.

4. Proficiency in English or in the language of the host country appropriate to the proposed research project.

5. Those who are currently enrolled in a degree program, or have just completed a degree program for less than one to two years will not be eligible to apply. Those who were a recipient of a Ford Foundation fellowship grant within the last two years prior to the application are also ineligible.


1. The proposed research projects for the ASIA Fellows Awards can be carried out in only one participating country (except the applicant’s own) and under the following conditions:

a) No applicants can propose to conduct their research in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea or Taiwan.

b) Applicants from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore cannot undertake research in each other’s countries.

c) Applicants from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan can only apply to conduct their research in Thailand, the ASF host country.

2. Any portion of the proposed project that will be undertaken in the applicant’s own country will not be funded under the ASIA Fellows Awards.

3. The proposed grant period must be between 6 to 9 months. Once awarded, a fellow is required to conduct research at the proposed host country throughout the grant period. Splitting of the grant period or conducting research in the applicant’s own country during the proposed grant period is not allowed under any circumstances.

4. While an applicant from South Asia or Southeast Asia may propose a research project in a country within his/her own region, preference is given to applicants who propose to conduct research in a region of Asia other than their own (e.g., an award to an Indian scholar or professional for research in China).

5. Applicants should not plan to conduct their research in a country with which their home country has a difficult diplomatic relationship because of the uncertainties of securing an affiliation and obtaining a research clearance and visa for a long-term stay.

6. It is preferable that invitation letter or e-mail to confirm affiliation from a host institution be obtained and submitted together with the application.

7. Fellowship awards are not for the purpose of completing requirements towards an academic degree (master’s thesis or doctoral dissertations).

All application materials must be received by the Asian Scholarship Foundation on or before January 15, 2010. The application form can be downloaded from the ASF website:; or can be requested via e-mail:

March 2010 - Interview of Short-listed Candidates in Bangkok
May 2010 - Awards Notification
�June 2010 - Orientation Program and Tenth ASIA Fellows Annual Conference
June 2010 - Awards Begin

All applications must be sent to the ASF Office in Bangkok:
ASIA Fellows Awards
Asian Scholarship Foundation (ASF) 29 Vanissa Bldg., 4th Fl. Chidlom, Ploenchit Rd., Pathumwan Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: (66-2) 655-1615-7 Fax: (66-2) 655-7977

Before submitting your application, have you attached all of the following?
1. Filled up application form
2. Research project statement
3. Curriculum vitae
4. Sealed letter of recommendation

September 24, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Yonsei University

The KT&G Foundation offers scholarships to the Turkish, Iranian, Russian, Kazakhstani, Indonesian students who seek a master’s degree at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) of Yonsei University:

Ⅰ. Eligibility and Conditions

1) Degree: A Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent degree.

2) Age : No limit

3) Health: Applicants must be in both sound physical and mental health.

4) English Language Proficiency: Applicants must possess strong English language proficiency (Recommended score of TOEFL CBT 237 (IBT 93/PBT 580), IELTS 6.5 or above).

5) Arrival in Korea: Scholarship recipients must arrive in Korea by February 23, 2010 and must attend the new student orientation program on February 24, 2010 at Yonsei GSIS.

6) Application Period: All necessary documents must be submitted to the Yonsei GSIS office between September 1, 2009 - November 30, 2009. All original documents should arrive at the GSIS office by this date.

Application address:

Yun Jeong Choi

Graduate School of International Studies

Yonsei University

New Millennium Hall 510

134 Sinchon-dong Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749

Republic of Korea

Ⅱ. Terms of Fellowship

The scholarship covers a maximum of 24 months (2 years), from March 2010 to February 2012. Students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0/ 4.3 every semester to maintain fellowship eligibility.

Ⅲ. Scholarship Details

1) Tuition fee: The KT&G Foundation will provide tuition fee for Spring 2010 through Fall 2011 (up to 4 semesters).

2) Stipend: The KT&G Foundation will provide a monthly stipend of KRW 1,000,000(= USD 892) for up to 24 months.

IV. Obligations

1) Participation in a field trip, a roundtable conference prepared by the Foundation

2) Participation in events and activities upon request from the school or the foundation

3) Submission of a report on your life in Korea two months prior to your graduation and a copy of your Master’s thesis

4) KT&G Fellowship recipients must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.3 scale in order to retain their scholarship. If they fail in this requirement at any time, their scholarship will be cancelled and they will be ineligible to receive it again in further semesters.

5) If a KT&G Fellowship recipient decides to withdraw from their program of study they must pay the KT&G Foundation the full amount of the scholarship received up to the time of withdrawal.

V. Required Documents

1) For all documents concerning admission, please refer to the GSIS website:

2) KT&G Fellowship at Yonsei GSIS Application Form (attached)

3) A Letter of Recommendation from the Dean or an equivalent official at the student’s institution with an approved signature of the Rector/President of the Home Institution (attached)


1) All documents must be prepared in English (Please attach certified translations if the documents are in any other languages)

2) Documents submitted with the application can not be returned to the applicant.

3) Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

For any questions concerning the application process please contact the GSIS Office of Yonsei University by email at or telephone / fax at the numbers indicated below.

Graduate School of International Studies

Yonsei University

New Millennium Hall 510, 134 Sinchon-dong

Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749

Republic of Korea

Tel: +82-2-2123-3293

Fax: +82-2-2123-8653



KT&G Fellowship at GSIS, Yonsei Application

September 16, 2009

Scholarship Graduate Program at Montclair State University

PhD Program in Environmental Management
Department of Earth & Environmental Studies
Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ

Stipend and tuition waiver included.
Start: January 2010

Deadlines: For Spring Semester, October 15

The student will participate in a three year NASA-funded research project
that will use remote sensing data to assess vegetation in arctic tundra,
in collaboration with researchers at Boston University, the USGS, and
Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge University. Previous
experience in remote sensing, ecology, modeling, GIS, and statistics is
essential. Highly developed quantitative and programming skills are

Applicants should e-mail a CV and a brief cover letter outlining research
interests and academic background to Dr. Mark Chopping
(chopping@pegasus. montclair. edu).

Formal application and details click here :
http://www.csam. montclair. edu/environ/ academic/

Program Director: Dr. Dibyendu Sarkar (sarkard@mail. montclair. edu).

Scholarship Graduate Program at Australia Griffith University

The GUIPRS is designed to attract and support highly ranked international grants and scholarship as well as college loan consolidation applicants during the University’s annual postgraduate research grants and scholarship round. The scheme extends the provision of tuition fees scholarships beyond the University’s allocated International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS). The GUIPRS covers tuition fees for the student and overseas student health cover (OSHC) for the student and dependant(s).
Grants and scholarship as well as college loan consolidation application Deadline: 31 October 2009

Grants and Scholarships' Eligibility

The IPRS is available to international students only (including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, etc). Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, four years of higher education studies at a very high level and be intending to enroll full-time in an approved doctoral or research masters program.

Part-time awards may be offered to students who, for social or medical reasons, are unable to study full-time.

Grants and scholarship as well as college loan consolidation's duration:

The IPRS may be held for up to two years for a research masters program and up to three years for a doctoral program. A six month extension may be granted to doctoral students in certain circumstances.
How to apply for grants and scholarship as well as college loan consolidation:

Applicants must submit the following to the Griffith Graduate Research School.

New applicants

New applicants must submit:
  • a research higher degree and scholarship application form (includes two academic referee reports)
  • certified or original transcripts
  • 500 word statement
  • curriculum vitae (CV)
Current students must submit:
  • a covering letter
  • a research higher degree and scholarship application form (includes two academic referee reports)
  • updated research outline
  • copies of publications (where applicable)

Closing date

Applications for the Annual grants and scholarship round must be submitted by 31 October. Applications may be submitted at anytime before this date, however cannot be considered until after 31 October.

For further information regarding grants and scholarship as well as college loan consolidation, please visit:

September 10, 2009

Scholarship graduate program at West Virginia University

Advanced Power and Electricity Research Center in Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at West Virginia University (WVU) is seeking research assistants with competitive monthly stipends starting in January 2010/August 2010. Students with good academic records and research interests matching the below listed broad areas in power systems are encouraged to apply for Ph.D. and Masters degrees.

1. Smart grids
3. Power System Control
4. Power System Stability
5. Power System Optimization
6. Intelligent Applications in Power Systems

The Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering has 33 tenure-track faculty members, 420 undergraduates, and 300 graduate students. The department offers BS degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Biometric Systems; offers Masters degrees in Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Electrical Engineering; and offers Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The Department conducts approximately $5.5 million annually in externally sponsored research, with major research activities in the areas of biometric systems, bioengineering, information assurance, nanotechnology, power systems, software engineering, virtual environments, and wireless networks. The department is aggressively upgrading its laboratory facilities, including a recently completed 4000 square foot clean room facility. The Department is home to a university-wide interdisciplinary research center, the Advanced Power & Electricity Research Center (

WVU is a comprehensive land grant institution of over 26,000 students with medical, law, and business schools. The University has Carnegie Doctoral/Research-Extensive standing. The Department has a close working relationship with, and receives funding from, a growing list of government and industry sources such as DOE, DOD, NASA, NIOSH, and the FBI Fingerprint Identification Center .

WVU located in Morgantown is in close proximity to Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Washington DC, Columbus (Ohio), Richmond (Virginia), Raleigh (North Carolina), Knoxville (Tennessee) and within 400 miles of New York.

Send your resume and statement of research with detailed academic background (preferably by email) to:

Dr. Sarika Khushalani Solanki
Assistant Professor
Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
West Virginia University
835 ESB, P O Box 6109
Morgantown , WV 26506-6109
304-293-9142, 304-293-8602 (fax)
Sarika.Khushalani-Solanki@ khushalani-solanki/

For further information on admissions to WVU please browse through
http://www.admissions.wvu. edu/ and http://www.graduateeducati

For information on research work, go through and power faculty webpage available at http://www.lcsee.cemr.wvu. edu/faculty/index.php

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Dr. Sarika Khushalani Solanki