Study and Research at Dongguk University (SRD) with Full Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to selected foreign students for graduate programs in the College of Engineering ,
Dongguk University , with the following package:
Benefit: Exemption from fees and tuition (Entrnce Fee, Tuition Fee) during whole Graduate program.
Support living expense
- Master's program: 300,000 KRW / month
- Ph.D. program: 500,000 KRW / month
- Combined program of Master's and Ph.D. program: 500,000 KRW / month
Korean language class offered for 6 months with no tuition fee
He or She must satisfy the followings to maintain the scholarship after the awards are made:
- Work as a research assistant for any laboratories or research institutes of Dongguk university.
- Publish one or more SCI journal/conference papers for the Ph. D program.
- Must achieve over 3.5 of GPA in each semester.
achievement records are all taken into consideration.
Application Timeline
e Application
25th November, 2009 - 11st December, 2009
- Fill out the application form via the
On-line Application System (Click the
banner Form1).
Completion of Application
- All required documents (listed below)
and submitting via email.
- Print out and fill out Form3, Form4 and
submit via email.
Submission of
Required Documents
11st December, 2009 ~ 5th February, 2010
- The required documents must be
original documents and shoudl arrive
at the Office of Administration, College of
Engineering , Dongguk University via
- Applicants must have already submitted
the required documents via email.
- Submit 2 photos (3cm X 4cm)
Admissions Decision
31st December, 2009
Results will be posted on the College of Engineering Website, here
25th February, 2010
25th Feb, 2010.
26th February, 2010
Course Registration
2nd March, 2010 - 10th March, 2010
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