Call for Admission of Candidates Educated Abroad to the Ph.D. Schools of the University of Pisa - Year 2010
Art. 1 Announcement
The University of Pisa announces a competition, based on academic qualifications, for the admission of candidates educated abroad to the Ph.D. Schools starting in 2010. The overall number of candidates without the study grant which can be admitted to each Ph.D. program is one.
In addition the available University grants are indicated in the table of the article 4 (only for some Schools or Ph.D. Programs).
An application for this competition does not prevent candidates from applying the other competition based on both academic qualifications and examinations planned to be announced at the beginning of September 2009 at http://www.unipi. it/studenti/ offerta/dottorat /accesso, with deadline for application at the end of September 2009.
If some public or private financing becomes available, within the expiry date of the call, additional study grants may be offered. The courses of each Ph.D. program will start on January 1st, 2010.
Art. 2 Requirements
Applications are invited from candidates who: are not resident in Italy; have obtained abroad a secondary school qualification, from a school that is not subject to Italian regulations, examinations and curricula, giving access to University education at first degree level, and an academic qualification equivalent to the Italian “laurea specialistica/ magistrale” . Both qualifications must be awarded by non-Italian institutions. The equivalence of each qualification to one of the above-mentioned Italian degrees will be established (for the sole purpose of this competition) by the Academic Board of the School. The University may exclude candidates lacking admission requirements at any time.
Art. 3 Application and deadline
The registration to this competition should be completed within September 4th, 2009, 1.00 (CET - Central European Time) pm, only by web, filling in the form on http://www.unipi.it/phdcall following the instructions indicated. After this date it is not possible to apply to this competition. You should send only by web using the same on line modality within September 4th, 2009, 1.00 pm, the following documents (only in pdf format):
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